Enriching Lives through
Beauty and the Beyond

Wishcompany's beauty brands, content,
and commerce embody the philosophy of Positive Beauty.

  • Beauty
    Provide Essential Products Create Pleasant Experiences
  • Content
    Connect with Customers Operate as an Entertainment Hub
  • Commerce
    Provide Convenient and Universal Accessibility
Our History
  • 2024

    Selected as a “Youth-Friendly Small Giant” by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for 6 consecutive years

  • 2023

    Surpassed KRW 70 billion in annual revenue

    Mind Nook received YouTube's Silver Play Button

    Mind Nook received TikTok's Silver Play Button

    Dear, Klairs won the "Vegan Cosmetics of the Year 2023" award for 2 consecutive years,
    presented by the Korea Consumer Forum

  • 2022

    Selected by the Financial Times as one of the "Asia-Pacific High Growth Companies 2022"

    Received the "$30 Million Export Tower" at the 59th Trade Day

  • 2021

    Launched the direct cosmetics brand, “elmt”

    Launched the wellness content brand, “Mind Nook”

  • 2020

    Surpassed KRW 50 billion in annual revenue

    Opened the first flagship store for Dear, Klairs, "Klairs Seoul"

  • 2019

    Wishtrend TV YouTube channel earned the Gold Play Button

  • 2014

    Surpassed KRW 10 billion in annual revenue

  • 2013

    Opened the global beauty media channel "WishtrendTV"

    Launched the high-functioning skincare brand "By Wishtrend"

  • 2011

    Opened the global cross-border e-commerce platform “Wishtrend (Wishtrend.com)”

  • 2010

    Launched the sensitive skincare brand "Dear, Klairs"

    Established Wishcompany